I work at Verifi Media, which is a blockchain focused music rights management company. I've built a live (beta) ETL pipeline + API with another developer focused on ingesting and parsing files (DDEX and JSON) from clients (Fuga and Boomy) which saves to Etheruem and populates a Public Registry. This API is heavily built upon a nascent framework called Cardstack. Technologies I've worked with include Node, Postgres, Docker, Serverless, Auth0, AWS (VPC, RDS, EC2, ECR, ECS, Fargate, SQS, Lambda, AWS SFTP Transfer, S3, Cloudfront, Cloudwatch, Route53, IAM, Cert Manager), TravisCI, Git, Gitea, Graylog (mongo, elasticsearch) and some light work touching upon blockchain, Ethereum, truffle, contract deployment, geth node, etc.